Welcome to my blog. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence and evaluation for my AS foundation portfolio.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Flat Plan Rationale

This is a quick sketch of what my college magazine will look like. I have used a 3 pallet colour scheme of white, light blue and dark blue; I have chosen to use these colours because I think well will relate to my target audience of both males and females aged 16-18. Keeping to this colour scheme will give my magazine a sense of identity and help students recognise it.
I have chosen to postion my mast head at the top of my cover as I felt this would draw attention to my magazinge and encourage students to buy it because it would stand out.
I chose to use a competition as one of my sell lines as I thought this would appeal to my audience, the competition is to win a free bus pass worth £600, I thought that this would appeal to young people because of financial situations that many families face these days, th8is is a significant problem I face so I thought other students could relate to my problem.
I thought the sell lines "How to make sure you look the best", "Top 10 hangover cures" and "Battle of the Bands         

Inspirational Texts

Below are examples of magazine covers and contents pages that I am taking 
inspiration from for my prelim. 

The colour scheme of this magazine cover is very simple yet still stands out as the colours are eye catching, the red in the image is incorporated into the 3 pallet colour scheme. 

This contents page is easy for the reader to look at, it is split up into categories using banners so the reader can find this quickly. It also features a main image and several other images. 

Unlike most magazines, this cover has a 4 pallet colour scheme. The soft pastel colours contrast with the harsh black. It has 2 main sell lines and several other sell lines.

Again, this contents page is split up into categories and it also has a main image but no other smaller images. It contains the mast head but it is slightly smaller than the mast head would be on the front cover. 

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Brief: Print

Preliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally you must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate your grasp of DTP. 

Main task the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. 
A minimum of  4 images must be used. All images must be used. All images and graphics must be produced by the candidate.